A Poem I wrote when my mom was beginning this journey:

Not Without A Fight

I hate you today.
More than I did yesterday,
And more than I did years ago.
But not as much as I will tomorrow.

I know you,
Your coldness, your lack of emotion,
Your demands, your ability to go unseen,
Undetected until often it’s too late.
The taker of life and love, no I wouldn’t call it fate.

You have so many names,
So many disguises that you wear.
But once you’ve settled in, life is never the same.
It becomes a struggle, a fight, a war zone,
And the body is the battle field you’ve come to claim.

There will be many sleepless nights,
Needles in the veins,
Sweats in the middle of the night,
Bodies curled up in pain.
Tears from many eyes,
But they will try to be strong,
and they will try to fight.

Some will defeat you in an agonizing fight.
They will look death in the face and laugh,
For they’ve gone on to live a new life.
But some will lose the battle,
And they’ll slip away from us in the night.
You will have won,
And I will hate you more than,
More than I do tonight.

But I will not let the night come without a fight.
You’ll see me on the battle field,
I’ll be the hope you try to destroy,
The strength you think you can take away,
The hand to hold when the battle goes on to long.
Hear my battle cry, let the war begin.
While others whisper your name,
Hear me yell it in the night!
“Cancer, I’m here, and I’ve come to help my mom fight.”
I love you Mom, I’m here for you, let’s kick some cancer ass!

Written for my Mom, as she begins her battle.
By Holly Reagon


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